chetek public arts league chetekarts

Chetek Public Arts League, Inc.

                                          Beauty beyond our shores.






About Us


What is the "Chetek: The Rest of the Story" project?

This is a community art project where Chetek residents share personal stories through illustrations on canvases. The artwork will be displayed in a public exhibition in downtown Chetek .

Who is organizing this project?

The Chetek Public Arts League, Inc., a non-profit dedicated to enhancing Chetek's public spaces with diverse arts.

Objective of the Project:

To encourage community engagement and understanding by sharing personal stories through art, revealing often overlooked aspects of Chetek life, and fostering dialogue among residents and visitors.

How to participate?

     Pick up a free 6x6 canvas at City Hall, the Chetek Library, or the Community           Center.

     Create an illustration with up to 25 word story or caption on the back.

     Submit it by March 1. For assistance, contact the Chetek Public Arts League at 

     All submissions will be displayed (provided the content does not violate city                statutes).

Canvas Pickup and Drop-off Locations:

     Available at: City Hall, Chetek Library, Community Center.      

     Registration forms will be filled out and a canvs # assigned. A copy of the                registration form will be available online for reference.

     Drop off completed canvases with story on back at the same locations.

Exhibition Details:

     Display Location: Banners on a chain link fence near the city-owned parking lot           in downtown Chetek (behind Ohde Drug and Main Street Park)

     Exhibition Period: May through September 2025.

     Opening Event: Features local experts on storytelling and artist introductions.

Project Promotion:

     Community paint nights will be hosted to encourage participation.

     Events and locations will be posted on , the Chetek Public           Arts League’s Facebook page, posters, newspaper ads and community outreach.

Funding Information:

Funded by a Wisconsin Humanities Opportunity Grant ($1,206) and matching funds ($1,375), totaling a budget of $2,581.

Canvas Ownership:

The Chetek Public Arts League retains rights to both the image and the canvas.

Multiple Canvases:

You can paint more than one, but only one registered canvas at a time. Submit a completed one to register for another.

chetek public arts league chetekarts